CCAC warns of fake brands of smart devices
In response to the online teaching and learning initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for computers, tablets and other similar devices has increased. However, the..
Continue ReadingIn response to the online teaching and learning initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for computers, tablets and other similar devices has increased. However, the..
Continue ReadingCCAC and Barbados Fair Trading Commission (BFTC) today signed a MOU which formalizes the friendship and collaboration between the two Commissions. Dr. Troy Waterman of BFTC..
Continue ReadingThe number of complaints to the Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission (CCAC) went up sharply last year with the auto industry dominating. One of the largest..
Continue ReadingIF a store does not provide a consumer with a written warranty, the law stipulates the application of an implicit warranty of six months; however, businesses..
Continue ReadingDirector, CCAC Mrs. Dawn Cush and Mr. Anil Sukhdeo, Economist attached to the Competition Policy Unit of the CCAC benefited from a three-day training workshop which..
Continue ReadingThe Ministry of Public Infrastructure (MPI) yesterday launched an awareness programme for 31 new standards for electrical items coming into the country and February 2020 is..
Continue ReadingClick to download draft bill. https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3Aa8f1f5ed-45cc-487d-b7ac-8f9a46fbcdce
Continue Readinghttps://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2019/05/05/fly-jamaica-to-pay-off-tickets-debts-by-july-1/ Fly Jamaica has committed to pay off some 46 complainants by July 1.The cash-strapped airline, which sent home staffers earlier this year, committed to work..
Continue Reading…over $8M in reimbursements complaints received https://guyanatimesgy.com/fly-jamaica-to-process-refunds-by-july-1-ccac/ Stemming from a discussion between Fly Jamaica and the Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission (CCAC), the airline has given..
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